If you’ve ever traveled to Orlando or Disney World, chances are you’re already well-acquainted with Alexis Salerno’s blog, Gluten Free in Orlando. To say that she has her finger on …

Senza Gluten: New York City
Read more about Senza Gluten and all of our NYC picks in New York City: The Gluten-Free Guide, available now on Amazon. With a name like Senza Gluten (“without gluten”), …

Bar Italia: Santiago
Eating gluten-free in Santiago can be a bit of an adventure. Though you’ll find plenty of naturally gluten-free and incredibly fresh fruits, veggies, and meats, there just isn’t much of …

Chuy’s: Raleigh
If you’ve ever traveled through the southern half of the United States, Chuy’s has probably beckoned you with its retro neon signs, kitschy Tex-Mex atmosphere, Elvis shrine, and promise of …

Kitchen Table: Omaha
Whether a city is new to me or an old favorite, I always arrive with the goal of working my way through a long list of restaurants, bakeries, and wine …

Primal Food and Spirits: Durham
Durham’s denizens and visitors just keep getting luckier. Primal Food and Spirits is one of the newest additions to the city’s food scene, and the restaurant is 100% gluten-free. That’s …

Grød Copenhagen
When in Copenhagen, do as the locals do: get around the city by bicycle, wear multiple layers in your favorite shade of black, and be sure to eat some undeniably …

Extreme Pizza: Washington, D.C.
Extreme Pizza, true to its name, thrives on some extremely unusual pizza combinations. The Peace in the Middle East replaces a tomato sauce base with hummus. The Paia Pie adds …

Taverna Barberini: Rome
For the hands-down best gluten-free meal and most accommodating taverna in Rome, do not miss Taverna Barberini. It’s open late, so take the scenic route and enjoy the gorgeous Via …

Mama Eat: Rome
When in Rome, the Vatican is a must-see. No matter your religious inclinations, this tiny city-state is awe-inspiring. If you have several hours to spare, go for broke and buy …