Big news! The Gluten-Free Jet Set team is celebrating the end of summer with a major project announcement: Gluten Free Around the World. This project is for anyone who has struggled to travel with food restrictions. For the gluten-free market alone, that includes over 40 million people! This group encompasses people with celiac disease (an autoimmune disease), gluten sensitivity, wheat allergies, and a range of other medical or personal health reasons. For many gluten-free eaters, traveling and eating out isn’t fun and instead can be difficult, time-consuming, and unhealthy. We want to change this!

Have you ever decided not to visit a city because you couldn’t find a restaurant with a gluten-free menu? Canceled a trip because you didn’t have the hours and hours to research safe places to eat? Had to eat prepackaged snacks for every meal instead of risking meals out in a country where you don’t speak the language? This project is for you!

Many excellent resources exist to help people eat and cook gluten-free at home, but managing celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and wheat allergies while traveling remains a major challenge. With the complete Gluten Free Around the World eBook and gluten-free city guide eBooklets in hand, gluten-free eaters will be prepared to eat safe, delicious, and healthy food wherever their business or leisure travel leads.

The IndieGoGo Campaign
Of course, we cannot do this project without the gluten-free community. We are asking for YOUR help via our IndieGoGo campaign. Please check out the campaign, claim a perk (or two!) and share with your friends and family. We hope this sounds like an amazing, beneficial, and needed project that you want to get behind. We cannot wait to take on this project, and we would LOVE to have you on board!

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