Traveling to gluten-free events is such a great way to connect with the community. I had the good fortune to meet Tarah Jakubiak of Allergic Traveler at the Gluten and Allergen Free Wellness Event in Raleigh, where we shared a booth. Tarah offers a fantastic service for those traveling with a variety of allergies. Allergic Traveler dietary cards are customized for you and list your allergens translated in up to 17 different languages. These cards can be given to restaurant or kitchen staff when dining out locally or internationally. Allergic Traveler’s cards are such a great complement to Gluten-Free Jet Set’s travel planning services!

Tarah and I saw tons of similarities between traveling gluten-free and with allergies. I asked her to list the top 5 things she doesn’t leave home without when traveling. Read on for Tarah’s top 5 travel must-haves list!
1. Have your tool kit ready! My tool kit includes my medical alert bracelet, my Benadryl, my Epi-pen, and of course my Allergic Traveler cards.

2. Pack dry noodles, along with utensils. When traveling you often don’t get enough nourishment. Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy while you are on the move. It is usually pretty easy to find boiling water.

3. I always bring homemade snacks. Although I love to travel, when you struggle eating at one restaurant after another, it can often dampen your spirits. In order not to let food dictate my adventure, I always make homemade snacks before hitting the road.
4. Pack tea bags. As long as they stay dry, you are in great shape. Often times I might not be able to find something to eat immediately but I can always find hot water. Tea can trick the body into feeling satiated for a little bit until you can find some real food to eat.

5. I never leave home without a Pashmina (large scarf). It does not matter if it is the middle of the summer or the middle of the winter; I always find a need for one. They can be used for so many things, a pillow, a blanket for the beach, a blanket for the over air conditioned plane, a hat, a privacy screen, even a towel if need be.
Want to know what Gluten-Free Jet Set’s top 5 travel must-haves are? Check out my list over on Allergic Traveler! What do you pack in your travel bag?